La constitución de un "arte nuevo de hacer novelas" : apuntes a una teoría de la novela corta en el Siglo de Oro

  • Gutiérrez Hermosa, Luisa María
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Publication date
January 1997
Universidad de Huelva - UHU


The theory of the short novellas in Spain develops, as in Italy, at the margins of the poetic doctrine. However one may speak of a theory of the genre from two points of view: on the one hand from its detachment from poetics, and on the other, from its relationships with theater. Lugo y Davila's fruitless attempt to adapt the genre to the precepts of Aristotle shows the need to consider it apart from neoaristotelism. This relationship with theater, nevertheless, allows us to speak about its dramatic structure, which is to be found both in theory and practice. Thus, a peculiar new art of making short novellas,. is shaped its fundamental characteristic being a distance from any other way of speculating about literature.La teoría de l...

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